6-Dong Het Elementary School

GLEF completed its sixth school building construction! This project was for Dong Het Elementary School, located in the Chhlong District in the Kratie Province in Cambodia. The community was outgrowing its original school structure (picture below). The new building is a five-room, fully furnished school building, and was completed in 2020. School Champions for this project are long time GLEF supporters, Ray and Angie Dilschneider. Ray is also GLEF’s president.

GLEF 6th School Before Construction 2019

Don Het Elementary School in October 2019. The community was outgrowing this school structure. Within one year, in 2020, GLEF completed the construction of a new, fiver-room, fully furnished school (photo below.)

In 2021, the Saron and Jai Khut partnered with GLEF through “Operation Jenda” in raising funds for GLEF’s first school library. Within the year, all funds were raised, and the library’s construction was completed in 2022 at the Don Het School (photos below) and the finishing touches are in progress.

This effort was fueled by the love of their daughter, Jenda, that wanted to build this library — all at the young age of five. Along with Jenda’s parents, family and friends, many fundraising parties were organized and celebrated, as well as raising funds by creating a recycle drop!

In 2021, Jenda was recognized as GLEF’s youngest philanthropist, and received GLEF’s very first, Founder’s Award, presented by GLEF’s Founder, Kilong Ung.

(Left) The new Don Het Elementary School completed in 2020. (Right) GLEF’s first school library, completed in 2022 in partnership with Operation Jenda.

GLEF Jenda 2021 1st Founders Award w.Kilong Saron Jai

(Left) Saron, Jai and Jenda Khut of Operation Jenda, who partnered with GLEF to build its first school library. (Right) GLEF Founder, Kilong Ung presenting his very first Founder’s Award to Jenda.

Please contact GLEF if you are interested in helping to further support of the Don Het Elementary School at Info@GoldenLeafSchools.org or by donating through the GLEF website (upper right column) or by mail at:
Golden Leaf Education Foundation
3439 NE Sandy Blvd. #412
Portland, OR 97232

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